Wednesday 22 January 2014

I Must Bide

I have a new DOS: this sort of annoys me on principle, even though in practice it matters not a jot, because I almost made it 4 years with the same DOS and now, at the elventh hour, things have changed. My DOS is not actually all that important to my academic career- the only time I've had a non-mandatory interaction with them in the whole of my uni career was when I knocked on Caroline's office door to request a reference to send me to Melbourne and she rather awkwardly asked who I was. But its aesthetically preferrable to have the same DOS all the way through, so I'm slightly miffed. Also, it seems slightly stupid to me to bother giving me a new DOS, apart from the Uni-obligated meet-and-chat in the first two weeks of term, I only see them if something goes wrong- so, as my new DOS pointed out, I sincerely hope I never see him again.
Still, when I met with Dr. Smith yesterday, he seemed very optimistic about my academic chances- certainly moreso than I, which I guess is...good? He certainly seems to think I can get a first, which is good, and was unphased when I said I was directing a show this term, so he obviously thinks it's manageable, which I was personally beginning to doubt. Let's just hope I can prove him right.

Bedlam is awash with blood this week since, in BedFest tradition, we're playing Assassins. I actually just used 'we' entirely incorrectly in this case, as I demurred to play this year. It's actually much more fun to watch from the outside- especially, since I have a little inside knowledge about who's after who. I get a peverse amount of pleasure from watching my friends all killing one another: maybe I should start making Saw movies.

My dissertation is also heating up, which worries me immensely, because I haven't really collected enough data yet and I haven't even started on my control group and Rose very kindly informed I only have ten weeks left and that means that I have to be writing 100 words a day, which isn't that much but it also has to all be pertinent and eloquent and it counts for one third of my grade! The natural solution to this problem is to work a lot on it now so it'll be less stressful later, but when have I done the sensible thing? Expect a lot of posts around mid-april about how I have to stay up all night to try and bang out 7000 words in one evening.

And finally, I've been listening to Danny Boy a lot recently, which makes me scared that I'm depressed on some level without knowing it.

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