Monday 2 June 2014

T'ain't Nobody's Business If I Do

I'm sure, after my last post, you've all been dying to know if I've kept to the very stringent and somewhat impractical commandments I set for myself. The short answer? No, but then I wasn't really expecting to; and I have let them influence how I've been living my life. For example, I've definitely been reading more, I've been going out as often as I can, and have been walking more. So, there've definitely been some changes since I finished my exams.

I won't be going to my graduation- I was iffy on the whole situation anyway, as it sounded deathly dull as a ceremony and quite costly, and then I missed the sign up deadline anyway, so it's a done thing. I'm not too beat up about it, to be honest, but I do wonder if, in the future, I'll regret this decision. Only time will tell.

That somewhere in France where I will be moving has been revealed to me, as a quaint town of about 26, 000 inhabitants in Picardy, 90 minutes' train from Paris, 30 minutes from Reims, 150 minutes from Brussels and about 4 hours away from the Hague: I think I might try some exploring while I'm there. I've never been to the Netherlands, or to Germany, and I'll be earning OK money while I'm there, so I might try inter-railing a little bit while I'm there- even though, according to one Richard Hart, interrailling stopped occurring in the seventies.
Lots of my friends have expressed an interest in coming to visit me, and I'd like to have some familiar faces around while I'm here- after all, I won't know anyone, and, unlike Australia, I won't be moving in with a bunch of people my own age who speak the same first language as I do. I'm also hoping I might be able to visit Danielle, whom I haven't seen in four years, since I ended Sixth Form, so that'll be a nice addition.
So, if you wanna come see me in France, hit me up and if I don't secretly hate you (sorry, Poppy) I'll totally be on board.

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