Friday 7 February 2014

Comrade Napoleon is Dying

I went to Becky's last night and am hung-over today, which is complete bullshit because I had, like, a thimble full of whisky. So, fuck this shit, is what I'm saying.
However, Becky's was very enjoyable: there is an observation about Rik that I have been repeating interminably since first year which is that he's unique amongst my friends in that he's an actual, legitimate functioning adult. As in, the lifestyle he leads is sustainable outside of undergraduate academics (this is less impressive now that he is longer a student); well, Rik is no longer unique in this regard out of my friends because Becky now counts as a proper grown-up, y'all (the fact that she probably has a worse hangover than me this morning does not diminish the truth of this assessment): she now lives in the suburbs, with a long term partner, serves delicious homemade vegetarian meals with a choice of two different desserts and has a dependent- her cat, Trixie. Enjoy adulthood, Becky, maybe I'll join you someday.

Lauren, my dissertation supervisor, has joined the choir of people that think I might be able to scrape a first- this is significant, because before a few months ago this choir consisted of my mother and my mother. I still don't know if I myself am singing with this choir; it'll take a lot of determination and effort and those aren't things at which I excel. Still, it's nice that there are now four people who believe in me. That's almost five.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz re-premieres next week, and as such, things are heating up on the rehearsals front. If one removes the Christmas holiday period, compared to last time I've had a much more truncated rehearsal period- however, we've now done every scene at least thrice, so it's a case of rinsing and repeating until the day itself, making sure everything's polished and witty and bright and that at no point, having forgotten their lines, does anyone say, apropos of nothing, 'shut up, Tin Man'. Yes, this happened last time.
Apparently, I'm also going to be on the radio next week, shilling the show and generally trying to appear urbane and benign.
...I'll bring one of the cast with me and let them do the talking.

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