Monday 25 November 2013

Sister Sister

My youngest sister (who's still older than I) came up to see me this weekend, boyfriend in tow. This was the first time I'd met said boyfriend and, as previously stated, my sister had justified reservations about such a meeting. However, it went nearly perfectly- I found him charming and easy, and he apparently thought I was 'hilarious', which is exactly what I was going for.
Comedy personified.
Sis and I got along great- although she insists she visited me in first year, which I'm pretty sure is nonsense- and I was genuinely, acutely sad when we thought we might not be able to meet today. Luckily, we managed to squeeze one last walk before she set off back down South. It was lovely and refreshing and reassuring and then I remembered that I'd be seeing her in, like, a month and wondered why we'd even bothered with the whole thing.

We had a first act run-through of Panto yesterday, in which I debuted some of the improvisations that Craig and Callum had requested, nay demanded, and they went down pretty well. I always feel slightly bad putting extra lines into someone else' script, especially as someone who writes scripts myself, but I've been given free reign, so expect ad libs ad nauseum.
As is traditional, the panto contains a lot of explosions, and this means that tiny little mines have to be planted throughout the stage. During the run of Harry Panto, I managed to knock over an impressive six of the little devils, earning me the Lillis Meeh Award for Fire Safety. Last night, Jodie managed to reach half of my record in a run-through of the first half of the show. The force is strong in this one: I may have to retire (I still managed to knock out one, for old time's sake*).

*Ruth and Charlotte, if you see this, I'm making a joke- I understand pyros are dangerous.

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