Wednesday 23 October 2013

Time Flies by in the City of Light

I climbed Calton Hill today for the first time since coming back: it was night, freezing cold, but very beautiful. Edinburgh from above is so pretty, and very bright- I know light pollution is a blight of modern life et cetera, but all those man-made lights glowing in the darkness was actually quite captivating. I will miss this city when I leave, and I acknowledge that I've been very lucky, aesthetically speaking, in my choice of university city.
It's reading week for me, which means that I have no classes- yay!- and also that we're halfway through semester- boo! There is so little time left in my uni career, that I can hear it dwindling, like a fuse being burnt through. My Dissertation Supervisor actually wants me to move on to the data collection portion of my experiment, whereas I had envisaged myself doing so around late February. Once the data is in, I have to start analysing it, and then I have really crossed the rubicon. The point of no return.
Esmond and I took a walk on Monday, and wound up at debate corner, where we sat on benches and realised that we don't argue like we used to. And, it's odd, but I sort of miss having near diametrically opposed views to my best friend- I could always count on him to bring up a (completely incorrect) stance that I hadn't considered, and I liked the challenge involved. Still, having a relationship based on mutual respect and shared values is good too. I guess.

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