Friday 4 April 2014

Bright Young Thing

My dissertation is in. Actually, it's been in for two days at this point, but I took some time off to just enjoy not having an essay due before remembering that I hadn't updated this thing in a good long while. Like last time, which I had to reread just to remember what was said, it's been so long since I last updates, a lot has happened and I want to try and cover all of it, but I may forget something, so I'm sorry if I leave out some vital information.

Farewell, Poodles
Rik has returned to Blairgowrie so that he can complete his solicitor training and become the Scottish Elle Woods. Rik and I met in my second week of Uni, as part of the cast of Amadeus, and became fast friends. He's smart and erudite and wicked cultured, and he was my most frequent collaborator theatrically and I will miss him immensely. Thankfully, that production of Amadeus provided me with the most fitting music to describe my mood since his exit.
This is also appropriate because it's in Latin and is therefore classy. Just like Rik.

My new Candlewaster went up a couple of weeks ago, and I think it went down pretty well: Vlada did a briliant job in bringing a frankly weird idea to life and grounding it. I love seeing how other people interpret my writing, and this was a really interesting interpretation cos the script was just so strange. Well done, Vlada, Lucija, Rafal, Finlay and Chris- as a reward, you get a mention on the blog.

After the pemiere of Boomerang/Nautilus, Jari and I went for drinks and discussed the themes of the play and I got to talk for an hour about my writing process and someone actually listened. That right there is the dream. I then went to a 1920s-themed jazz party where they were playing 'Sing, Sing, Sing' as I entered and the combination of the premiere and the Benny Goodman and the glorious flappers dancing around me made me feel very much like I was in an Evelyn Waugh novel.
It was exactly like that. 

You Shall Go to the Ball
Also kind of like that was the Bedlam Ball. 
Above: The REAL Bright Young Things.
I arrived drunk and danced so much and so hard that it was literally three days later before I could move the same again. I had an awful lot of fun and it really was a brilliant way to round off the year: I just wish that my dissertation hadn't been in two days later so I could've partied with a guilt free conscience. Speaking of...
As stated in the first paragraph, my dissertation is done. I had to go home for a few days to force my words out; it took a long time and made me have anxiety dreams about being stabbed in the abdomen (true story!), but it's in now and I don't have to look at it anymore.

On that note, I want to stress how much my supervisors oversold the time needed to bind the damn thing: I was told to leave half a day and it took literally 15 minutes. 

My Father Retires
My father has retired, at the age of 64. However, he has immediately started doing consultancy work and has landed a lush position in Panama for 10 days- it's alright for some!

Fat Cat
Show number 48 is completed, with an epic one-off poem describing my time at Bedlam in three acts. I will be adding it to this site's writings section as soon as I'm back on the machine on which I wrote it. I also may or may not paint it on the walls of the cafe in luminous paint so, like the Northern Lights, the glow never quite fades, no matter how much you scrub your eyes.

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